Professional Pest Control & Wildlife Management
Fly Screens
The food safety (Food Hygiene) General Regulations 1995:
“…windows which are opened to the outside environment must where necessary be fitted with insect proof screens…”
The Suffolk Pest Control Company Ltd supplies and installs the full range of Flydor fly screen and door proofing solutions.
The flydor range of products is, in our opinion the best on the market. With robust aluminium frames and simple yet study opening and locking mechanisms Flydor products last, manufactured here in the UK the quality and innovation of the products is second to none.
Window Solutions
- Sash Windows – Lift-out screens and roller screens.
- Casement Windows – Sliding Screens, Roller Screens and Hinged Screens
- Tilt and Turn Windows – Lift out screens and roller screens (restricted use)
- Horizontal Sliding Windows – Sliding screens and roller screens.
Door Solutions
- Mesh Strip Curtain Doors
- Premo Door – Heavy duty fly screen door
- Standard Fly screen Doors
- PVC Curatin Doors
- Chain Door Screen
Mesh Options
- Metal Meshes. Aluminium or Stainless Steel for regular steam cleaning and prevention of rodent access
- Sun Tex mesh. A special polyester weave coated in vinyl which blocks out upto 80% of the suns rays – perfect for south facing windows.
- Fibre glass mesh. Super strong mesh whilst maintaining great air flow.
- Poll-Tex mesh, a unique and liscensed super fine woven polyster mesh which protects against air borne pollens.
What's the big deal with flies?
Asides from having a a legal requirement to prevent the contamination of food stuffs with insects or insect parts, how much damage would a dead fly cause the image/reputation of a food manufacturer or restaurant? Also understanding how a fly feeds is reason enough to prevent them into your food preparation area – flies do not have moving mouth parts like us, they essentially feed through a straw, in order to soften up their dinner they first vomit up the contents of their last meal which contains stomach acids to dissolve and break down their food ready to suck up again. Disgusting – yes.
The list of diseases the common house fly carries and spreads include many of the worst killers of mankind; Typhoid, Cholera, Gangrene, Tuberculosis, Gonorrhoea, Bubonic Plague, Leprosy, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Amoebic Dysentery, Poliomyelitis, and many others. Some flies prefer the eye and transfer the microbes of Pink Eye, Conjunctivitis, and Trachoma from diseased eyes to your healthy eyes. Others spread Yaws, a skin disease, when they feed on your cuts and sores.
Each fly may carry as many as six million bacteria on it’s feet. If it has recently walked in excrement, it may transmit Pathogens causing the previously mentioned diseases along with infectious Hepatitis, as well as the eggs of parasitic worms to humans, unfortunately mainly to children. The micro-organisms that flies carry generally get into our systems through our mouths. This occurs mostly when the flies having picked up these micro-organisms from some diseased source, deposit them when they land on our food which they also feed on, and which we then take into our bodies. Most of these infecting organisms thrive in a warm moist environment with lots of good food to eat which is just what they find in our digestive systems. They multiply and invade other tissues destroying them or messing up their functions in some way and “presto” we are sick.
There are perhaps 200 species of these domesticated flies. The most dangerous of these is the common house fly that persistently annoys, plagues, and diseases mankind.
- False Widow Spider Removal
- Cluster Fly help
- The trouble with fleas?
- Mole Catching in Suffolk
- Rats in the Garden
- Wasp Nest Control
- Rats in your chicken Coop
- Anaphylaxis
- Bee Swarms
- Becoming a Beekeeper
- Rare Breed Poultry
- Pest Control with Birds of Prey
- Un-marked vehicles available
- Rabbiting with Ferrets
- Myxomatosis
- Poll-Tex Mesh
- Honorary Member Russell Wallis
- Free Rabbit Control