
Otter Lutra lutra have been making a steady come back on our waterways. Here in Suffolk although extemely elusive they now occur along most streches of our rivers.

Otters are semi aquatic mammals, carnivorous they feed mostly on fish, but readily enjoy amphibians, shell fish, mammals and water birds. On the river the otter is the apex predator. The otters resurgence has helped to lower numbers of mink who are in direct competition with otter.

Otters are a protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Schedule 5. As numbers increase competition for food and territory will drive Otters further away from the waterways foraging inland. This can lead to otter attacks on domestic poultry and game birds. The only solution to an otter problem is with wildlife fencing or with semi-permenant electric netting (after some attempts the otter should learn to stay away).